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Standards & Guidelines

The College is directed by the Medical Act to establish and promote professional standards of practice for medicine. The development of professional standards is led by the Professional Standards Committee composed of practising physicians and public members.

The College regulates registrant performance, which includes both clinical duties and those administrative or executive duties over which the registrant can reasonably be expected to control or influence.

Registrants are expected to adhere to the CMA’s Code of Ethics and Professionalism and the recommendations of Choosing Wisely Canada both of which have been endorsed by the College.

Adherence to the College’s standards and guidelines is the first lens through which a registrant’s conduct is viewed by the College. As such, registrants are expected to stay current with these documents.

  • Professional Standards reflect the minimum professional and ethical behaviour, conduct or practice expected by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia. Registrants licensed with the College are required to be familiar with and comply with the College standards.
  • Guidelines contain recommendations endorsed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia. The College encourages its registrants to be familiar with and to follow its guidelines whenever possible and appropriate.