I am Internationally Trained
If you studied medicine outside of Canada you are considered an International Medical Graduate (IMG). This includes Canadians who studied medicine abroad.
New Centre to Support More International Medical Graduates
Nova Scotia is opening an international medical graduate assessment centre in Halifax to help more internationally trained physicians become licensed to practise in the province. Read more
New Pathway to Long-term Licensure for Physicians Trained Outside of Canada
The College has developed a streamlined approach to long-term licensure for physicians on a Defined licence.
The Medical Act requires physicians trained outside of Canada to practise under a Defined licence and undergo supervision. Physicians must meet the requirements and conditions required to obtain a Defined licence. There is no change to the qualification requirements.
What’s Changed
The streamlined approach for physicians on a Defined licence will enable faster decisions regarding long-term licensure.
Once a physician obtains a Defined licence, the streamlined approach will:
- provide a comprehensive orientation program for physicians;
- reduce the required time physicians on a Defined licence must practise under supervision; and
- focus on demonstrated competency rather than certification.
The College’s new approach to licensing physicians trained outside of Canada has been informed by:
- a review of the data from the last six years of working with Sponsors and Supervisors overseeing the licensing pathway of physicians with a Defined licence seeking Full licensure;
- listening to physicians and stakeholders working with physicians on a Defined licence;
- a review of licensing best practices in other Canadian jurisdictions to determine what elements would effectively apply to the Nova Scotia context; and
- the College’s commitment to support the recruitment of physicians.
Read more about the new licensing pathway for physicians trained outside of Canada.
Depending on your specific qualifications and training you may be eligible to apply for:
- a Full licence to practise in Nova Scotia;
- a Temporary licence;
- a Defined licence;
- an Academic licence;
- a Restricted licence;
- a Clinical Assessment licence;
- a Clinical Assistant licence; or
- a Practice Ready Assessment to prepare for licensure.
Resources are also available to help you prepare and apply for licensure.
Full Licence
The Full licence is issued to physicians who meet the necessary requirements to practise medicine independently. If you have passed all Canadian licensing and certification examinations (or equivalent), or successfully completed a Comprehensive Clinical Assessment of Practice (CCAP), you may qualify.
Eligibility & How to Apply
How to Apply: Applicants with Verified Credentials
If you have a regular, general, or full licence to practise in Canada with documentation already verified by your current licensing College, you can submit your application through a simplified process. You must have a Certificate of Professional Conduct (CPC) with:
- no interim or permanent restrictions or conditions;
- no current undertakings with other Colleges; and
- no disciplinary sanctions on your record.
Download and Complete the Form for Applicants with Verified Credentials (PDF)
How to Apply: Applicants without a Full, General, or Regular Licence in another Canadian jurisdiction
Read about how to submit your credentials to be verified.
International medical graduates who have gone on to obtain full licensure elsewhere in Canada may obtain a Temporary Licence to practise in Nova Scotia.
Temporary Licence (Locum)
The Temporary licence is issued to physicians or surgeons who want to practise for a short-term in Nova Scotia, up to a maximum of 6 consecutive months. Note: If you previously practiced with a Restricted – Special Case licence, you will apply for the Temporary licence going forward.
Eligibility & How to Apply
To apply for the Temporary licence you must have:
- a full licence to practise in a Canadian province or territory; OR
- the qualifications and credentials to obtain a Full licence in Nova Scotia (see above).
How to Apply: Applicants with Verified Credentials
If you have a regular, general, or full licence to practise in Canada with documentation already verified by your current licensing College, you can submit your application through a simplified process. You must have a Certificate of Professional Conduct (CPC) with:
- no interim or permanent restrictions or conditions;
- no current undertakings with other Colleges; and
- no disciplinary sanctions on your record.
The Temporary licence fee for applicants with verified documentation is $354 per 30 days. This licence is valid for up to 6 consecutive months.
Download and Complete the Form for Applicants with Verified Credentials (PDF)
How to Apply: Applicants without a Full, General, or Regular Licence in another Canadian jurisdiction
Read about how to submit your credentials to be verified.
If you decide to practice longer than 6 months, you must contact us at registration@cpsns.ns.ca and apply for a Full licence.
Physicians who do not yet meet the Canadian standards for a Full licence may be qualified to apply for the following licence types:
Defined Licence
A Defined licence is issued to physicians who do not yet meet the Canadian standards for a full licence. Physicians must practise under the sponsorship and supervision of another physician as they work towards long-term licensure.
Eligibility & How to Apply
Academic Licence
The Academic licence is issued to physicians who have been hired by the Dean of Medicine at Dalhousie University to teach, do research, or take on clinical duties.
For more information, refer to our registration policy on Academic Licensure.
Eligibility & How to Apply
To qualify for this licence, you must have a letter from the Dean of Medicine at Dalhousie University confirming your academic licence.
Restricted Licence
The Restricted licence is typically issued to physicians who meet the criteria for a Full licence and have conditions and restrictions on their practice imposed by the College. This may happen during an investigation process, review by the Registration Committee, or at the discretion of the Registrar.
Eligibility & How to Apply
There are additional restricted licence pathways available to physicians currently licensed and with the appropriate qualification:
- Pathway to Long-Term Licensure via a Defined licence
- Pathway to Restricted Licensure for Defined Licence Physicians on Sponsor-Only Oversight
- Pathway to Restricted Licensure for Physicians on an Academic Licence
How to Apply
Read about how to submit your credentials to be verified.
Other Restricted Licensure Pathways
- Restricted Licence – Emergency – This is available for physicians who hold a licence for independent medical practice elsewhere in Canada who have been requested to provide medical services in Nova Scotia for an urgent or emergent need identified in the province.
How to Apply- The physician or company requesting your services must submit a letter to the College outlining the urgent or emergent need they have requested you to fill.
- Download and complete the form for a Restricted Licence (Emergency)
Clinical Assessment Licence
A Clinical Assessment licence is issued if the College determines there is a need for supervision or assessment.
Common reasons for the College to issue a Clinical Assessment licence include:
- An extended absence from clinical practice (please review the College’s Currency of Practice policy for information on the requirement to maintain currency of practice)
- A change in your clinical scope of practice
- Eligibility for a Practice Ready Assessment
- Eligibility for a training program at Dalhousie
The requirements for this licence are different for everyone depending on their circumstances. We will give you the information you need based on your need for supervision and assessment.
Clinical Assistant Licence
A Clinical Assistant licence may be an option for physicians who do not meet the Canadian standards for an independent practise licence. These physicians work as clinical assistants in tertiary care or a regional hospital under the supervision of a fully-licensed physician on staff at the hospital. As a clinical assistant, you will not be the most responsible physician in a medical setting. Note: Physician assistants are not eligible to apply for a clinical assistant licence.
You can apply for a Clinical Assistant licence if:
- You are a physician or surgeon previously or currently licensed in a country other than Canada.
- You do not meet the requirements for a Full licence to practise medicine in Nova Scotia.
Eligibility & How to Apply
Offer of Employment
The College must approve your credentials before you can accept a job offer.
Before we issue you a licence, you must send us proof of an offer of employment as a clinical assistant with either Nova Scotia Health or the IWK.
If you are approved for licensure and secure a job offer, you will be issued a Clinical Assistant licence to practise medicine in Nova Scotia.
How to Apply
Read about how to submit your credentials to be verified.
We are here to help.
Please contact us if you have any questions at: registration@cpsns.ns.ca
Phone: 902-482-5825 or Toll-Free: 1-877-282-7767
Practice Ready Assessments
For internationally trained family medicine specialists, the Nova Scotia Practice Ready Assessment Program (NSPRAP) ensures that international medical graduates who wish to practice family medicine in Nova Scotia possess the appropriate clinical skills and knowledge to provide quality patient care. Read more about the Nova Scotia Practice Ready Assessment Program.
Internationally trained specialists who do not initially qualify for eligibility to challenge the certification examinations with the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada may quality for a Practice Ready Assessment. Read more about Practice Ready Assessment for specialists (PRA Specialists).
Applications sent to the Registrar or Registration Committee
When a physician does not meet the requirements set out in the Medical Act and Medical Practitioners Regulations, your application is referred to the Registrar.
The Registrar may:
- approve your application and grant a licence, with or without conditions;
- deny your application and give you information about how to appeal this decision;
- order a competency assessment; and/or
- refer your application to the Registration Committee.
Read more about applications sent to the Registrar or Registration Committee.