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Renew Your Training Licence

The College contacts you by email when it is time to renew your licence. Please ensure we have your most current email address so you do not miss this notice. If you did not receive an email, please call renewal support at 902-482-5825.

Important Dates

  • Renewal opens each year in May
  • Licence renewals received after May 21, 2024, are subject to a late fee
  • Failure to renew will result in your licence expiring on July 1

You cannot return to training until you receive confirmation of licensure from the College. Training without a valid licence is considered professional misconduct and may result in a Registrar’s complaint.

Renewal Process

Annual licence renewal is a secure, online-only process that takes 5 minutes to complete. Please note that you cannot renew your Postgraduate Training Licence via mail or in person at the College.

To renew you will:

Renewal Fees

DatesMay 1-21May 22 – 31
Renewal Fees$200$200
Late Fee$50
Total $200$250

We are here to help. 
Call 902-482-5825 or toll-free 1-877-282-7767

If you have any concerns around privacy and website security, please refer to the College’s Privacy Policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will renewing my Postgraduate Training licence automatically renew my Postgraduate Practising Licence?

No.  You must reapply for a Postgraduate Practising Licence (resident moonlighting) for each academic year.  Your current moonlighting licence will automatically expire on June 30, 2023.

I didn’t receive an email notification to renew my Postgraduate Training Licence, should I contact the College?

Please check the junk and/or spam folders. If you do not find an email from the College, we may have an incorrect email address for you. Contact renewal support at or 902-482-5825 to confirm your information.

What if I don’t need a Postgraduate Training Licence for the upcoming academic year?

If you receive an email notification from the College to renew your Postgraduate Training Licence but will not require a training licence in Nova Scotia for the upcoming academic year, please let us know at

If you are completing your training program and are intending to practise in Nova Scotia, please visit Registration and Licensing section on the College website for information on obtaining a licence to practise.

What if I can’t log in to the website to renew?

If you cannot log in, please do the following:

  1. Check your spelling.
  2. Check your capitalization – your password is case-sensitive.
  3. Reset your password – if you have forgotten your password, or do not have a password, you can:
    • Click on Re-set your password.
    • Enter the email address you have on file with the College.
    • Click on Submit.
    • Check your email for a link to set a new password – this will come from DO NOT REPLY – CPSNS. Check your spam or junk folders.If you do not receive an email to reset your password, contact us at or 902-482-5825, or toll-free 1-877-282-7767.
  4. Try logging in later; the site may busy or undergoing maintenance.

What if I have technical problems with the Registrant Services or the renewal form?

Please use a desktop or laptop to renew. If you have trouble, please try the following:

  1. Try a different browser. We recommend Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome (Please avoid Internet Explorer).
  2. Use a secure wifi network. If you are on public wifi at a hospital or clinic, our security may block you. Try logging on to a password secured network.
  3. Delete your browser history, close your browser, and then open it again to start a new session.

How do I obtain a confirmation of licence renewal and receipt?

A confirmation of licensure and receipt will be forwarded to you by email once the Registration Department has reviewed and approved your renewal.

Is technical assistance available?

Monday to Friday – 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

  • Phone 902-482-5825
  • Toll-free 1-877-282-7767

You can also send an email to

Please include the following details in your request for technical assistance:

  • Type of device (i.e. PC or Mac; desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device)
  • Internet browser (i.e. Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari)
  • Location of renewal attempts (i.e. hospital, home, clinic)