Physicians issued a Defined licence in Nova Scotia are required to have oversight from both a supervisor and a sponsor for the duration of that licence.
Sponsor Role & Responsibilities
The role of a Sponsor is to oversee supervision.
Sponsors must:
- Arrange for a Supervisor
- Determine the practice location of the Defined Licensee
- Act as a liaison and mediator
- Impose additional conditions as they see fit
- Maintain or sponsorship
- Oversee supervision
- Report to the Registrar annually
- Immediately notify the Registrar with concerns
- Advise the Registrar if the Defined licensee stops practicing in the Zone
- Consult with the Supervisor and Registrar if considering withdrawal of sponsorship
- Give adequate notice for practice to wrap up
The College will notify the Sponsor if there is a College complaint regarding the supervised physician.
To be eligible to be a Sponsor, a physician must:
- Have a Full licence.
- Be in senior leadership with the Health Authority.
- Practice in the same Health Zone as the physician being sponsored.