Applications Sent to the Registrar or Registration Committees
The Nova Scotia Medical Act and Medical Practitioners Regulations determine what is required for physicians and surgeons to be registered and licensed in Nova Scotia. They also govern the applicable procedures. Should you fail to demonstrate you meet the requirements set out in these documents, your application will be referred to the Registrar for review. In this case, the processing time may be increased by as many as 6 to 8 weeks, depending on the information required by the Registrar.
The Registrar may do one or more of the following:
- approve your application and grant a licence, with or without conditions;
- deny your application and give you information about how to appeal this decision;
- order a competency assessment; and/or
- refer your application to the Registration Committee based on concerns about your capacity, competence, character, or credentials.
Applications Referred to the Registrar
Reasons applications are referred to the Registrar
Applications are referred to the Registrar because:
- there are open or past complaints about your practice;
- there are legal matters concerning your practice;
- issues have arisen regarding the breaks or gaps in your practice;
- issues have arisen regarding the supervision of your practice; or
- you answered “yes” to certain questions and we need clarification of these responses.
Registrar’s authority
The Registrar can deny you a licence if you lack the appropriate credentials for that licence. They can refuse to renew your licence if you fail to meet the criteria for renewal as outlined in the Medical Practitioners Regulations.
Appeal the Registrar’s Decision
Request an appeal to the Internal Review Subcommittee
In the event the Registrar denies your application for licensure or licence renewal, you may appeal the Registrar’s decision to the Internal Review Subcommittee.
You must notify the Registrar of your intent to appeal their decision within 30 days from the date of their initial decision.
The Internal Review Subcommittee is comprised of between 3 and 5 members of the Registration Committee. At least one member of the subcommittee is a representative of the public.
Appeals process
Once the Registrar receives your request for an internal review, they give the Internal Review Subcommittee all the information they need to conduct a thorough and fair review of your file, including but not limited to:
- a copy of the written decision that you are appealing;
- a copy of all records we have in our possession that relate to your request unless access to such records is restricted by law. These records may include the following:
- reports from your supervisors and sponsors;
- other pertinent investigations or performance reviews; or
- any other written information the Registrar considers necessary.
Note: The Registrar will NOT send peer review files to the committee. These are protected under the Medical Act.
The Internal Review Subcommittee may ask for more information as necessary. For example, they may ask for previous application or complaint information.
Internal Review Subcommittee decisions
The Internal Review Subcommittee may do one or more of the following:
- approve your application and grant a licence, with or without conditions;
- deny your application; or
- order a competency assessment.
The decisions of the Internal Review Subcommittee will be made within a reasonable time. All decisions made by the Internal Review Subcommittee are final.
Referral to Registration Committee
Registration Committee Meeting Dates
The Registration Committee normally meets at least 5 times a year.
You must ensure that we receive all supporting documents related to your case at least 3 weeks prior to the meeting date. Your registration coordinator will help you with this.
2025 Registration Committee Meetings |
February 19 |
March 27 |
April 30 |
May 29 |
June 25 |
Reasons for referral to the Registration Committee
The Registrar must refer your application to a Registration Committee if any of the following issues lead to a question about your current capacity, competence, or character that may affect your ability to practise medicine ethically.
- There are open or past complaints about your practice.
- There are legal matters concerning your practice.
- Issues have arisen regarding the breaks or gaps in your practice.
- Issues have arisen regarding the supervision of your practice.
- You answered “yes” to certain questions on your application.
- You object to the conditions and restrictions imposed on your licence by the Registrar.
- You failed to comply with one or more requirements with your annual licence renewal.
At least 5 physicians and at least one representative of the public sit on the Registration Committee.
A majority of the members of the committee form a quorum whether or not this group includes a representative of the public.
Registration Committee review process
The Registrar will provide the Registration Committee with all the information they need to conduct a thorough and fair review of your application, including but not limited to:
- the Registrar’s reasons for forwarding the application;
- your written submission (see below);
- a copy of all records we have in our possession that relate to your application unless access to such records is restricted by law. These records may include the following:
- reports from your supervisors and sponsors;
- other pertinent investigations or performance reviews; or
- any other information the Registrar considers necessary.
Note: The Registrar will NOT send Peer Review files to the committee. These are protected under the Medical Act.
The Registration Committee may ask for more information as necessary. For example, they may ask for a previous application or complaint information.
Providing a written submission
Once the Registration Committee receives the referral from the Registrar, you will be asked to provide a written submission. This is usually a personal statement addressed to the committee explaining why it should approve your licence application or renewal. You may add supporting documents such as:
- written clarification for any “yes” responses you have provided to questions in the application or renewal form;
- written clarification of any issues that were brought to your attention by your registration coordinator during the application process; and/or
- any documents that you believe may be relevant to your application.
Providing other information
You will need to respond to all of the committee’s requests for documentation, clarification.
You will be provided an electronic copy of your file as reviewed by the Registration Committee in its decision-making.
Help from a the College
A registration coordinator will make sure that your case is brought forward with enough information for the committee to make a decision. They will create an electronic file of relevant information regarding your application, including any submissions you provide.
Your right to appear before the committee
You have the right to appear before the committee to provide a verbal submission to support your case. The College will provide you with all the necessary information in advance regarding your interview with the committee.
Your right to legal counsel
You have the right to be represented by legal counsel. If you are insured with the Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA), you have access to:
- medico-legal advice;
- risk management education; and
- legal assistance related to your clinical practice.
Call toll free 1-800-267-6522 or 1-613-725-2000 if you want to take advantage of any of these services.
Registration Committee decisions
The Registration Committee may decide to do one or more of the following:
- approve your application and grant or renew your licence;
- deny your application or renewal – if your application is denied, you will have to disclose this denial on all applications you make outside of Nova Scotia if the question is asked;
- impose terms, conditions, or limits on your licence. These are some examples of such terms, conditions, or limits:
- the committee may restrict your scope of practice;
- the committee may limit where you can practise; or
- the committee may order monitoring, supervision, or regular reporting of your performance or health.
The committee will send you their decision within 30 business days of the meeting. This is typically provided electronically, however, you may request a hard copy of the letter.
You can appeal a decision of the Registration Committee to the Registration Appeal Committee.
Appeal the Registration Committee’s Decision
Request an appeal of the Registration Committee
You may appeal a decision of the Registration Committee via the Registration Appeal Committee. You must notify the Registrar of your intent to appeal the decision of the Registration Committee within 30 days from the date of the Committee’s initial decision.
Once the Registrar receives your request for an appeal, they will give the Registration Appeal Committee all the information required to conduct a thorough and fair review of your file, including but not limited to:
- all of the information provided to the Registration Committee;
- the decision of the Registration Committee; and
- any supporting documentation that you provide.
We will send you a written notice of an appeal hearing at least 10 business days before the date set for the hearing. We must receive all supporting evidence by this date.
The Registration Appeal Committee is comprised of three physicians and at least one representative of the public. Any 3 members of this committee form a quorum.
Your right to legal counsel
You have the right to be represented by legal counsel. If you are insured with the Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA), you have access to:
- medico-legal advice;
- risk management education; and
- legal assistance related to your clinical practice.
Call toll free 1-800-267-6522 or 1-613-725-2000 if you want to take advantage of any of these services.
Registration Appeal Committee decisions
A majority of the quorum of the committee must agree on a decision. A decision can include the imposition of licence conditions or restrictions. The Registration Appeal Committee will assess costs or security to be paid or refunded.
The decisions of the Registration Appeal Committee will be made within a reasonable time. All decisions of the Registration Appeal Committee are final.