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Strategic Plan 2024-2025


Our vision is to be a respected leader that protects the public while supporting the medical profession.


Our mission is to serve the public by effectively regulating the medical profession.


We will be thorough, clear, decisive and fair.


Our work will reflect the value we place in:

  • Professionalism;
  • Excellence in medical care;
  • Consultation and collaboration; and
  • Anti-racism and anti-oppression.

Strategic Plan 2024–2025

Access to Care

The College will improve access to equitable, competent care by:

  • Expanding the recognition of acceptable international training and practice, to license more physicians.
  • Growing physician extender programs, to increase the number of Associate Physicians and Physician Assistants.
  • Facilitating multi-jurisdictional licensing agreements, such as the Atlantic Registry, to promote mobility of physicians and postgraduate trainees.
  • Supporting physicians trained outside of Canada through the Welcome Collaborative orientation program, to advance long term success and retention.


We will build our capacity to work in a culturally respectful, safe, and humble manner by: