Issue 1: March 2023
The Atlantic Register: Expanding Physician Mobility

Physicians who have a Full licence may choose to opt in to the Register and will be able to work in any of the Atlantic provinces.
The Atlantic Register is set to launch May 1st. Physicians may choose to opt in to the Register and will be able to work in any of the Atlantic provinces without additional licensing requirements. The Atlantic Register is available only to the physician who is fully licensed, without conditions, restrictions or undertakings.
Physicians wishing to appear on the Atlantic Register will do so by advising their home College, being the College of the province in which the physician resides or does the majority of their clinical work. The administrative burden will be minimal, involving only an expression of interest and a consent. The annual fee will be $500, divided between the provinces. The fee will replace all fees for locums. Once on the register they will be licensed by all four Atlantic provinces.