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Restoration or Reactivation of Licensure

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All registrants must hold a licence to practise in Nova Scotia. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia (the College) recognizes there are varying circumstances that may cause a registrant’s licence to become inactive such as voluntary relinquishment or revocation.


This policy describes the various circumstances and due processes a registrant must undertake when applying to the College to restore or reactivate a licence.


This policy applies to all registrants wishing to restore or reactivate their licence in Nova Scotia.


  1. Registrant Requirements

a) Applying to Restore or Reactivate a Licence:

Pursuant to this policy, a registrant seeking to restore or reactivate their licence within 24 months of the expiration of the licence is not required to complete a new application for licensure.

The registrant must complete the renewal questionnaire and provide any additional relevant documentation required at the discretion of the Registrar.

In addition to completing the renewal questionnaire, the College requires the following:

  1. Registrants who have Voluntarily Relinquished their Licence in Nova Scotia

For registrants who have voluntarily relinquished their licence, the licence may be restored upon payment of the current annual renewal fee1 and any other requirements at the discretion of the Registrar.

  1. Registrants who have Allowed their Nova Scotia Licence to Expire

For registrants who have allowed their licence to expire without notifying the College in writing, the licence may be restored upon payment of the applicable fees1 and any other requirements at the discretion of the Registrar.

  1. Physicians Applying for a Temporary (Locum) Licence in Nova Scotia

For a physician who has completed a Temporary (Locum) Licence application with the College within the previous 12 months and wishes to provide additional temporary services in Nova Scotia, they may be eligible to reactivate their Temporary (Locum) Licence by paying the monthly licence fee1 and any other requirements at the discretion of the Registrar.

If 12 months or more have passed since the physician last completed an application form, they will need to reapply for licensure.

b) Currency of Practice Experience:

It is every registrant’s professional responsibility to practise only within a scope for which they are appropriately trained, competent and current. The College policy for Currency of Practice Experience2 describes the requirements for currency.

All registrants must contact the College prior to making any changes to their scope of practice. Please refer to the College guidelines for Guidance to Physicians Contemplating a Change in Clinical Scope of Practice3 for more information about changing scope of practice.

  1. Exceptions

Pursuant to this policy, the following exceptions apply to applications for restoration or reactivation of licensure:

  1. Applications Greater than 24 months from Expiration of Licensure

If a registrant wishes to restore or reactivate their licence after 24 months have passed since the licence was last active, the registrant must complete the application process for a new licence. In this case, the registrant will be held to the licensing requirements at the time of the new application.

The registrant will be required to complete a new application form, pay the applicable fees1 and any other requirements at the discretion of the Registrar. Consideration will be given to original or source-verified documents previously provided to the College, such as the applicant’s university degree(s) and specialty certificate(s).

  1. Licence Removed by a Committee of the College

For registrants who were removed from licensure by a Committee of the College, the registrant must obtain approval from that Committee to have their licence reinstated.

  1. Licence Removed by a Hearing Committee

For registrants whose licence  was revoked by a Hearing Committee, the registrant must comply with the process for reinstatement in accordance with Sections 122 to 128 of the Medical Act Regulations4.


  1. College Fee Schedule
  2. Currency of Practice Experience
  3. Guidance to Physicians Contemplating a Change in Clinical Scope of Practice
  4. Medical Act Regulations
Applicable Legislation: Section 8 of the Medical Act Regulations
Approved by: Deputy Registrar
Approval Date(s):May 13, 2024
Review Date:May 2027