College issues consensual reprimand to Dr. Thomas Hydorn
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia hereby gives notice that as a result of a complaint and pursuant to Section 53 (12) (h) of the Medical Act, Dr. Thomas Hydorn of Amherst has elected to accept a reprimand issued by the College as final resolution of the matter.
A reprimand is a finding of professional misconduct that is entered on a doctor’s formal discipline record.
Dr. Hydorn’s pattern of prescribing was deemed irresponsible in the following areas and was found to put the patient, and potentially the community, at risk:
1) Benzodiazepine prescribing:
a) lack of clear assessment and diagnosis to support benzodiazepine prescribing;
b) the prescribing of high doses of benzodiazepines in the context of opioid dependency;
c) the issuing of benzodiazepine prescriptions for large amounts of many years;
d) the issuing of individual prescriptions for large amounts for up to 3 months; and
e) the continuation of benzodiazepine prescribing for patient “X” even after the police raised suspicion of diversion of the benzodiazepines and after aberrant drug related behaviour.
2) Opioid prescribing:
a) lack of clear assessment and diagnosis and plan surrounding the initiation of opioid therapy for patient “X”;
b) continuation of opioid prescribing for up to 6 years for opioid dependency in spite of patient failure to enter treatment programs; and
c) continuation of opioid prescribing in spite of evidence of aberrant drug related behaviour such as intravenous drug use, reports of trafficking, multiple missed appointments for treatment programs, and multiple lost or stolen prescriptions.
The Investigation Committee recognized that patient “X” was a difficult and possibly manipulative patient and that the audit of Dr. Hydorn’s prescribing revealed this to be an isolated case of inappropriate prescribing.
A copy of Dr. Hydorn’s reprimand is available HERE.