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Council & Committees

The Council is the governing board of the College. Its authority is provided for in the Nova Scotia Medical Act. It is responsible for setting strategic direction, developing policies, and providing oversight of the College’s performance.

The Council includes physician members elected by physicians and public members appointed by the College through a nominations process. Nova Scotia’s medical school holds a Council seat, and medical learners are represented as observers.  Council meets four times per year. Under the legislation, the College has committees made up of Council members, medical professionals, and public representatives who provide oversight and guidance on relevant issues. The College’s Council and committees aim to provide a  well-balanced and equitable approach to the regulation of medicine.

Members of Council 2024-2025

Physician Members

Public Members


To ensure there is representation from across Nova Scotia on the Council of the College, physicians from the following districts elect members to represent them:

  • District #1 – the counties of Antigonish, Guysborough, Inverness, Richmond, Victoria, and Cape Breton
  • District #2 – the counties of Pictou, Cumberland, and Colchester
  • District #3 – the counties of Yarmouth, Shelburne, Queens, and Lunenburg
  • District #4 – the counties of Hants, Kings, Annapolis, and Digby
  • District #5 – the county of Halifax


Council meetings are held four times per year. All members of Council sit on one or more committees of the College. These committees include:

  • Executive Committee
  • Finance and Audit Committee
  • Nominating Committee
  • Professional Standards Committee
  • Registration Committee
  • Registration and Policy Committee
  • Investigation Committees
  • Practice Enhancement Committee
  • Assessment Committee
  • Registration Appeal Committee
  • Independent Review Committee
  • Internal Review Subcommittee
  • Reinstatement Committee