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Message from the Registrar: Supporting Physicians Retiring

As this year comes to a close, I am reminded of how often over the past months I have spoken with physicians about their concerns as they retire from practice. In some cases, the transition is smoother, such as in many collaborative care settings, while in other instances....[...]

Message from the Registrar: New IMG Assessment Centre Launched

Health Canada estimates our country is presently short 13,000 family physicians and estimates the deficit will be 20,000 in five years. While the expansion of residency seats and the launch of new faculties will help in the long term, Canada presently...[...]

Message from the Registrar: More Physician Extender Programs

We value the contribution of physician extenders to the issues of access to care. It’s hard to overstate the impact of physician extender programs. In many instances, the presence of associate physicians or physician assistants enabled departments to...[...]

Message from the Registrar: Welcoming Physician Assistants and Podiatrists

The provincial government has amended the regulations to the Medical Act, conferring upon the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia the responsibility and authority to license and to regulate podiatrists and physician assistants within the province, effective April 1, 2024.  [...]

Message from the Registrar: Improving Access to Care

The work of the College continues to expand in response to the call for improved access to care. We have opened our door wider for the licensure of more internationally trained, competent physicians. In addition to widening the door, the College has put in place policies and programs that offer...[...]