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Standards & Guidelines

Formulary for Prescribing Podiatrists in Nova Scotia

In the practice of podiatry, the use of medication is a cornerstone of effective patient care. Good prescribing is not merely about selecting the right drug, it is a complex process that encompasses accurate diagnosis, patient-centred treatment planning, and the consideration of the broader health implications of medication use. It is the College’s responsibility to ensure that the highest standards of patient care are maintained within the podiatry profession; part of this involves ensuring that medication is prescribed appropriately and safely. It is imperative that podiatrists prescribe medications only in relation to ailments of [...]

Sexual Misconduct by Physicians

Professional Standards and Guidelines Regarding Sexual Misconduct by Physicians This document sets out both standards and guidelines approved by the Council of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia. A standard reflects the minimum professional and ethical behaviour, conduct or practice expected by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia.  Physicians licensed with the College are required to be familiar with and comply with the College standards. &[...]

Duty to Report Health Professionals

Professional Standards and Guidelines Regarding Duty to Report Health Professionals Preamble When a physician has reasonable grounds to believe that another physician is impaired, incompetent, unethical, or engaging in professional misconduct, including sexual misconduct, there is a professional obligation to report this concern to the College.  The obligation arises regardless of whether the physician in question is a patient or a colleague. Similarly, physicians with good reason to believe a regulated health professional (other than a physician) is impaired, [...]

Responsibility for Post-Surgical Care

Professional Standards Regarding the Responsibility for Post-Surgical Care Preamble The delivery of post-surgical care must put the needs of the patient first. Furthermore, the responsibility for post-operative care of patients must be clear to the patient and the medical team. It has long been a source of tension and uncertainty within medicine, generating friction between physicians performing an operation or procedure, primary care providers, and emergency departments. As a result of uncertainty and inconsistent [...]

Conscientious Objection

Professional Standards Regarding Conscientious Objection Preamble This document gives directions to physicians regarding conflicts of conscience which may arise from the physician’s belief structure or religion. This document applies to all situations in which physicians are caring for patients, including, but not limited to, Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), immunization, reproductive care and gender affirming care.

Virtual Care

Professional Standards Regarding Virtual Care

Physician Responsibilities for Clinical Observers and their Practice

Preamble Physicians not otherwise licensed to practise medicine in Nova Scotia may apply for an observership permit under which they may observe, learn and gain insight into the practise of medicine in this province. Medical students who wish to participate in an educational experience outside of their undergraduate medical education program must obtain a medical student observership permit. The applicant must be enrolled in a medical school that meets the criteria in the policy

Referral and Consultation for Patients with a Family Physician

Professional Standards Regarding Referral and Consultation for Patients with a Family Physician Preamble This professional standard sets out the professional obligations of physicians when referring patients or seeing patients in consultation with a primary care physician or another provider. The referral-consultation process requires an ongoing balance of shared care and responsibility between the referring and consulting physicians that may evolve as the patient’s [...]


Professional Standards and Guidelines Regarding Prescribing Preamble .stk-8273c8a {max-width:35% !important;min-width:auto !important;margin-top:24px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-bottom:24px !important;margin-left:24px !important;overflow:hidden !important;}@media screen and (max-width: 767px){.stk-8273c8[...]

Advertising and Public Communications by Physicians

Professional Standards Regarding Advertising and Public Communications by Physicians Preamble Canadian law recognizes advertising by professionals as protected free speech, with such advertising to be regulated to maintain a high standard of professionalism. Professional Standard(s) Physicians must ensure that any public communication is compatible with the best interests of the public and upholds the reputation of the medical profession. Regardless of the medium, all communication by physicians with the public must not be misleading or deceptive. Advertising Specifically, any communication by physicians with the public must not: claim or imply any superiority of [...]