New Virtual Care Standard
There is a marked increase in virtual medicine provoked largely by COVID-19 and the availability of government financial support for virtual visits. Virtual care has many advantages for patients and physicians but is not without its challenges.
The College’s Professional Standard Regarding Virtual Care was passed by Council at its May meeting. The standard instructs physicians that when offering virtual care to patients only in conjunction with in-person care, not as an absolute alternative to in-person care. As well, physicians must coordinate their clinical schedules so that patients have reasonable access to either in-person care or virtual care as required.
Regarding regulatory jurisdiction the standard states the following:
- Physicians licensed in Nova Scotia who deliver virtual care to Nova Scotians are subject to the regulation of the College, irrespective of where the physician is located.
- Physicians licensed in Nova Scotia who deliver care into other jurisdictions in Canada will be held to the standards of that jurisdiction, while subject to the regulation of this College.
- Physicians licensed elsewhere in Canada who deliver virtual care into Nova Scotia will be held to Nova Scotia standards but subject to the regulation of their licensing authority.
Physicians are encouraged to review the complete standard available on the College’s website.