New College President

The College is pleased to announce that Dr. Andria MacAulay has been appointed College President for the 2022-2024 term.
Dr. Andria MacAulay is a family medicine specialist practicing in Truro. Her areas of medical interest are women’s, children’s and adolescent healthcare, as well as medical education.
Dr. MacAulay graduated from Mount Allison University with a BSc (Honours with Distinction) in 1997 and attended Dalhousie University Medical School where she graduated with her MD (with Distinction) in 2001. She completed a Rural Family Medicine Residency through McMaster University in Northern Ontario and obtained her Certification in the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CCFP) in 2003. She was awarded her Fellowship in the College of Family Physicians of Canada in 2014
Physicians Elected to Council
As a result of the March elections, the following physicians were re-elected to Council:
- Dr. Minoli Amit in District 1 (the counties of Antigonish, Guysborough, Inverness, Richmond, Victoria, and Cape Breton); and
- Dr. Umesh H. Prabhu in District 3 (the counties of Yarmouth, Shelburne, Queens, and Lunenburg).
The College extends thanks to all those who served on Council and committees in the past year.
New Public Member
The College also welcomes Ms. Damilola Iduye as a new public member who joined the Council in March.
Ms. Iduye is a Senior Instructor at the School of Nursing, a Research Scholar at the Healthy Population Institute, and a member of the Joanna Briggs Institute Aligning Health Needs and Evidence for Transformative Change, Dalhousie University.