MCC Cancels October MCCQE II Exams
The MCC’s cancellation of the October sitting of the MCCQE II has impacted physicians across the country. We recognize the concerns of postgraduate trainees, newly graduated postgraduate trainees and physicians on a Defined licence who all are required to obtain the MCCQE II. We understand the challenges and ramifications of this examination postponement. Those physicians impacted are assured of ongoing licensure and the ability to practise in Nova Scotia.
We have heard issues raised regarding logistical challenges as well as questions regarding the relevance of the MCCQE II. The cancellation and its impact on physicians have prompted the College to review the MCCQE II as it relates to licensing. This review is being undertaken in a thorough and expedited manner. Addressing these issues is a priority for the College.
The College will be providing updates as soon as available.