A Hearing Committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia has approved the Consent Revocation Agreement resulting in the revocation of Dr. Vitale’s registration and medical licence pursuant to section 105 of the Medical Practitioners Regulations. Consent Revocation AgreementHearing Committee Decision
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia hereby gives notice that as a result of a complaint and pursuant to the Medical Act, Dr. William Vitale has been issued a reprimand by the College. A reprimand is a finding of professional misconduct that is entered on a doctor’s formal discipline record. The College’s Investigations Committee has directed the following: Dr. Vitale is reprimanded for prescribing medications to a family member in a manner contrary to the College’s Policy on Treating Self and Family Members. Dr. Vitale must complete at his cost the next available offering of the ProBE course (Professional/Problem Based Ethics) offered in Toronto through the Centre [...]