College announces Decision Regarding Dr. Najeeb Kadir
The College of Physicians & Surgeons of Nova Scotia hereby gives notice that a Hearing Committee has issued a decision dated December 14, 2020, accepting a Settlement Agreement under subsection 103(1) of the Medical Act.
In the Settlement Agreement, Dr. Najeeb Kadir, of Amherst, Nova Scotia admitted to engaging in a sexual relationship with a patient, and that such conduct constituted professional misconduct and conduct unbecoming.
The Hearing Committee accepted that the following sanctions were appropriate:
- Dr. Kadir’s licence to practice medicine is suspended for a period of 18 months. The suspension is retroactive to September 17, 2019, the date Dr. Kadir removed himself from practice in connection with this matter;
- Dr. Kadir must complete a professional boundaries course approved by the College, prior to returning to practice.
In addition, Dr. Kadir must pay the amount of $30,000 to the College as a contribution to the College’s costs arising from its involvement in this matter.
The Hearing Committee was satisfied that the proposed agreement was appropriate in all the circumstances. It noted that the subject matter of this complaint occurred prior to the approval of the College’s revised Policy on Sexual Misconduct on March 27, 2020, such that the requirement to seek mandatory sanctions as set out in that Policy were not applicable to this case.
In order to protect the identity of the patient, only this abbreviated version of the Hearing Committee’s Decision will be published on the College’s website.