Hearing to Resume Regarding Dr. Manivasan Moodley
The Hearing to consider the matters raised in the July 31, 2024 Notice of Hearing regarding Dr. Manivasan Moodley that commenced on August 12, 2024 and continued until November 21, 2024, will resume on February 21, March 4, 5 (afternoon only), 6 and 7, 2025. Additional subsequent dates will be communicated as they are confirmed.
The Hearing Panel has issued an exclusion order which prevents members of the public from attending the Hearing.
Media are permitted to attend and may report details of the Hearing after confirmation from the panel that the information does not violate the publication ban previously ordered.
Any media who plan to attend the Hearing may do so only in person, and through advance notice to the College by emailing communications@cpsns.ns.ca. Notice of attendance must be provided no later than noon on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 for the February 21 hearing date and no later than noon on February 28 for the March 4-7, 2025 dates.
For media attending the Hearing in person:
- Subject to the publication ban, the media may take video footage or photographs on the College’s premises before evidence is called. No video images or photography may be taken while evidence is being presented.
- Audio recording by the media is permitted for note-taking purposes, but not for broadcast purposes.
- In order to preserve the publication ban, no live transmission of the evidence is permitted, through live tweeting, blogging or other simultaneous source of reporting. Media are otherwise permitted to report information about the Hearing, but only after the parties have had the opportunity to consider whether evidence that has been given may be subject to the publication ban. During the mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks, and prior to the lunch break and at the end of the day, the Hearing Panel will canvass the parties to determine if there is evidence that may be subject to the publication ban and will provide direction to the media in this regard prior to the media reporting on the preceding evidence. Social media accounts will be monitored and any violations will be reported to the Chair of the Hearing Panel for further action.
Media attending the Hearing will be required to sign in and acknowledge agreement with these directions.
Inquiries about the Hearing should be directed to: publicinquiries@cpsns.ns.ca