College Revises Licensing Policy in Response to MCC Exam Announcement
On June 10, 2021, the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) announced it will cease to deliver the MCC Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part II. The MCC stated that successful completion of the MCCQE Part II is no longer required to become a licentiate of the MCC (LMCC).
The MCC announcement directly affects the licensure of many provisionally licensed physicians and those physicians seeking initial licensure in Canada. The Canadian Standard is the set of academic qualifications that makes a physician eligible for full licensure in every Canadian province and territory. The LMCC is a required qualification for full licensure in the Model Standards for Medical Registration in Canada developed by the Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities of Canada.
As a result of the MCC announcement, the College convened emergency meetings of its Registration Policy Committee and Executive Committee to consider the licensing implications. As a result, the College has amended its policy on Acceptable Alternatives to the LMCC, effective immediately. The amended policy reflects MCC’s cessation of the MCCQE Part II exam and is available here.
All physicians with the requisite qualifications for a Full licence except for the LMCC, are having their licensure reviewed pursuant to the revised policy.
The College aims to complete this licensing review and directly contact all physicians whose licence type may be affected by July 15, 2021. We acknowledge the uncertainty resulting from the MCC announcement and wish to thank all impacted physicians for their patience as we expedite our response.